
WuZhou Liu Bao 梧州六堡

好茶要期待,更要有耐心地等待。 告诉你,荼典梧州六堡已上架了! 📣 📣 一种很纯粹的香氣,不张揚,但悠長。 熱泡時: 泡上濃濃的一杯, 入口满是驚喜 ~ "好濃郁的奶香味"。 泡的濃淡適宜時,一股似熟荷葉的清香,會暖暖的从鼻子呼出。而在舌面上紧贴似黑枣的甜,持久不散。 冷泡時: 别吝啬,放多1到2克茶葉浸泡。尤其適合最近這多變的天氣,喝上一杯冰凉似仙草(凉粉)香甜味,却又不是仙草的六堡茶,透心涼;涼到心坎裡。是你放多的那些许茶叶给的最佳回報。 😊 Good tea is always worth the time. Hey everyone, our latest "WuZhou Liu Bao tea" is now on the rack. "With a clean fragrance, nothing too overpowering but long-lasting." When you have it hot; A strong cup of it, give you a mouth full of surprise ~ "a very creamy taste". A moderate one, will give you a sense of minty smell; warmly blow out from your nose and what strongly left on your tongue would be sweetness, hints of black dates notes, very lasting. 😋 When you have it cold; Don't be petty, put one or two grams more of tea leaves for the cold brew. Best suits the current weather which constantly changing, a cup of cold brew would taste a bit similar to the smell of grass jelly, but it's not grass jelly Liu Ba

荼典指定味道回來了 - 中焙黃金桂 Medium Roast Huang Jin Gui is back!!

橱柜裡有琳琳不同的茶種 偶爾,就是對某種味道特別鍾情,特別想念 荼典指定味道回來了 -- 中焙黃金桂 有最熟悉暖暖似焦糖和牛奶巧克力的香氣 散发着甜甜的似果乾和剛出爐的堅果餅乾的風味 開放訂購,數量有限. 📣 Missing some flavour in your tea rack. We hear you - Something you think we are missing Medium Roast Huang Jin Gui Oolong is back! Welcoming nose with warm caramelized and chocolate notes. Clean, flavourful cup, hitns of dried fruits, roasted nut and fresh toasted cookies notes. #客人指定口味 #新鲜出爐 #久等了 #持續無店面销售

About TEA IMPRESSION Long Jing Old Bush Green Tea


2017 Spring Journal - 春茶札記

    每一回必做的這檔事 - 露宿紮營茶場   #是生活 #是工作     時代的變遷。。。很多事物改變,就連這架舊時代的揉茶機,也改變不了被淘汰(廢棄)  的命運。  #早期的揉茶機     茶山的寨子隨處可見茶樹環繞著屋子的週圍生長。印證了茶與人密不可分的歷史記載。   # 後記:這樣的屋宅,再多幾年應該在茶山是看不到了!   在茶山上,簡單的一株花,喝著茶賞花別有一番情趣!

Taadaa... A season of new harvest 2017

老樹龍井總在龍井43號已上市兩三個星期後, 在足夠的陽光和氣候裡,吸足了足夠的養分;蘊育發芽,拜訪春天。 尋找舊時的龍井茶。。。 來荼典,喝老樹龍井。 傳承和延續著龍井茶的老風味。 # New harvest Spring Tea - Long Jing (Old Bush) Green Tea is coming on 2017.4.27 # 2017.4.27 新鮮登場 # Limited availability

It's all about Oolong!


Our New Fall/Winter Tea Collection is now available!

久違了!我們最新的冬季阿里山金萱已經溫暖上市了! 氣味清新香甜,飽滿 獨有而宜人的自然奶油香 圓潤綿密的口感,可充分感受到其緊實及均衡的結構 尾韻夾帶著微妙的果香。 Welcome back! Alisan Jin Xuan Oolong! Highly prized for its buttery character, subtle fruity notes and rich body. Smooth, well balanced structure and an elegant finish.