天目碗 - 遠自日本的鐮倉時期,前往中國南部天目山學佛修禪的僧侶,將文人雅士用以飲茶的"建盞茶碗"視為天地至寶, 每每於回國時都會扛回幾個建盞作為紀念.神秘的釉色反射出七彩星辰的宇宙光芒,給人心安神定而隨時可以進入精神領域參悟的感動;加上圓弧的碗底造形滿佈黑夜星空的釉色,手裡捧著茶碗仿如懷抱著整座銀河天體, 使得當時的王室與高僧們為之瘋狂,日本人遂以<天目>茶碗稱之,流傳至今. 文摘自:羅森豪教授 Temmoku 天目碗 "During the Kamakura Period,zen Buddhist Monks hailing from Japan went to Tianmu Mountain,Southern China for advanced practices and brought back with them a Chien-chan teacup.Its mysterious glaze color reflects a rainbow glow,like radiations of the universe,enabling an emotional stability and instant spiritual enlightenment.The royal family and eminent monks were enamored by this object called a Temmoku teacup in japanese language,which has been spreading around since that time." Above write by maker Lo. SenHao