荼典指定味道回來了 - 中焙黃金桂 Medium Roast Huang Jin Gui is back!!
橱柜裡有琳琳不同的茶種 偶爾,就是對某種味道特別鍾情,特別想念 荼典指定味道回來了 -- 中焙黃金桂 有最熟悉暖暖似焦糖和牛奶巧克力的香氣 散发着甜甜的似果乾和剛出爐的堅果餅乾的風味 開放訂購,數量有限. 📣 Missing some flavour in your tea rack. We hear you - Something you think we are missing Medium Roast Huang Jin Gui Oolong is back! Welcoming nose with warm caramelized and chocolate notes. Clean, flavourful cup, hitns of dried fruits, roasted nut and fresh toasted cookies notes. #客人指定口味 #新鲜出爐 #久等了 #持續無店面销售