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WuZhou Liu Bao 梧州六堡
好茶要期待,更要有耐心地等待。 告诉你,荼典梧州六堡已上架了! 📣 📣 一种很纯粹的香氣,不张揚,但悠長。 熱泡時: 泡上濃濃的一杯, 入口满是驚喜 ~ "好濃郁的奶香味"。 泡的濃淡適宜時,一股似熟荷葉的清香,會暖暖的从鼻子呼出。而在舌面上紧贴似黑枣的甜,持久不散。 冷泡時: 别吝啬,放多1到2克茶葉浸泡。尤其適合最近這多變的天氣,喝上一杯冰凉似仙草(凉粉)香甜味,却又不是仙草的六堡茶,透心涼;涼到心坎裡。是你放多的那些许茶叶给的最佳回報。 😊 Good tea is always worth the time. Hey everyone, our latest "WuZhou Liu Bao tea" is now on the rack. "With a clean fragrance, nothing too overpowering but long-lasting." When you have it hot; A strong cup of it, give you a mouth full of surprise ~ "a very creamy taste". A moderate one, will give you a sense of minty smell; warmly blow out from your nose and what strongly left on your tongue would be sweetness, hints of black dates notes, very lasting. 😋 When you have it cold; Don't be petty, put one or two grams more of tea leaves for the cold brew. Best suits the current weather which constantly changing, a cup of cold brew would taste a bit similar to the smell of grass jelly, but it's not grass jelly Liu Ba...
已經滿月了.....^.^ 可以喝了.....